Custom Values and m.

Welcome back, I hope you had a good week.

So, this week I worked on sending emails and responding to emails, easy enough right, maybe not. I watched our tutorial and let it sink in overnight then got started.  The first email I sent went off without a hitch, was able to open it follow the link and reply back to myself. A big pat on the back and a little self-praise and back to studying. Wait got to go to Facebook group and put my # win on the board first.

I must say I was pretty proud of myself, but it seemed way to easy so I decide to send a second email. Once again everything works perfect, so why do I have this strange feeling something is wrong. What to do, on a whim I look over my email and see it was sent from an email that was not the one I set up. Yep, too easy, where did this email come from?

Custom values, could this have something to do with it? Time to dive in and see what I have done this time, so I rewatch the training stopping and checking my work along the way. Ther it is in plan site I did not change my custom value on “email sender”. Because I did not change it the default was “email name” which is apparently my personal email.

Sending it this way worked as far as receiving and replying but it would not go into the email campaign page which I did not check on the first two emails.” DO NOT SKIP ANY PART OF THE PROCESS”. On to the second set of test emails and the next fail haha, I went to my custom link and actually changed it to the correct custom value. Once again email went through, and I was able to reply but still would not go to my email campaign. So I go back to my email and look it over and it shows to once again to be from my personal email but with attached. If you did not notice, there is an = sign instead of m.  after the @, bingo looks like I found my problem.

Time to think hard, how do I fix this Dean just went over this not too long ago. Got it go to dashboard=settings=custom values and now edit your “from email” which consists of removing = and replacing with m. and save. I think it’s safe to say the custom values can make your life a lot easier if they are done correctly or can turn into a ton of work if not.  It’s safe to say I am going to be a little more diligent about following the steps not jumping ahead and definitely double checking my spelling lol. O and yes after adding m. and following all the steps it was a success.

Hopefully if you did not get anything from this except a laugh I consider that a win lol. Thanks so much for stopping in have a blessed weekend.

Happy Trails,

Jon Bowman



24 thoughts on “Custom Values and m.”

  1. Thanks for this post – I’m having similar trouble, the from email not being what I wanted it to be, and I forgot about checking the custom values. I’ll go check that now.

  2. Jon way to be diligent in solving the problems. It’s funny how our minds get ahead of our fingers when setting these things up. I have made a mental note as I’m just beginning the testing phase as well. Thanks for the help!

  3. Thanks for the reminder “do not skip any part of the process”. This is so important especially when learning how to use a new software.

    And thank you for sharing your mistakes and how you overcame them so we can learn from your experiences.

    1. Thanks Alan, I’m sure there will be more mistakes to come. Considering I’ve never even owned a computer up to this point I’m happy with my progress. Thank you for dropping in, have a great week.

    1. Hello Katrin, I’m definitely starting from scratch my technology has been a phone up until now, I bought my first computer just for this haha. Thanks for reading my, post have a great week.

  4. Jon, that’s great, a very valuable lesson for us all. This is the whole point of the homework and practice is that we try things out to see if they work. And as you found something that seemed very easy and simple was in fact, not correct, but the brilliant thing is is that your instinct and experience and wisdom you’ve gained so far told you that something was wrong. And then you investigated in more detail and then you were able to fix it. This is the whole point that it’s okay to have problems. It’s okay to have issues. Firstly, you noticed and secondly you did something about it and if you carry on like this throughout your journey, you will be a master at the end of it. Very well done until next time thank you, Atif

    1. Hello Atif, thank you for the kind words. I actually like figuring out things on my own when feasible, it’s to easy to fall in the habit of using someone else’s mind instead of our own. Thanks again and have a wonderful week.

  5. Hey Jon, firstly congratulations!
    While you found things were not going quite right, you stayed solution-focused not problem-focused.
    That is the perfect mindset required when you hit a bump in the road so to speak – well done!!
    This type of mindset will serve you well through your journey.
    I have been through the email section and was able to send my emails ok however, for some reason I feel like what I learned has not ‘stuck’ so I need to go back and go through the process again, send them again, and possibly a few times until I feel I can remember the steps easily.
    Thanks for your great post Jon, I appreciate you sharing your experience.
    Have a great week!

    1. Hello Karen, one thing about it I goofed enough I think I have the email part down LOL. Practice makes perfect, thank you for reading my post. Have a great week ahead.

  6. I was having a heck of a time with Custom Values in that no matter what I did- clear caches, etc finally I switched from chrome to safari and now it works- or so I think because I have yet to send out emails. “Fingers crossed!”

    1. Hello Kate, my wife runs into problems at her work with search engines as well not sure what that’s about. Thank you for replying to my post. Have a great week ahead.

  7. Hi Jon!
    I am inspired by your post in so much that problem-solving, perseverance, and on occasion a bit of luck goes a long way with our online business! I look forward to more posts!
    All the best!
    Milissa Neirotti

  8. Hi Jon,
    Isn’t it amazing how one tiny thing can complicate the process and have you stuck 🙂
    It’s not like things are not working due to this big thing or that big issue, it’s because a tiny “m.” that can cause a big headache. The best thing to do is exactly what you did, go back, troubleshoot, find the error and make the fix.
    Great work!

  9. Hell Jon,
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I’ve encountered a similar issue with my confirmed Op-in. after several tries, I eventually reached out for assistance through the help button. After they revised my workflow, they sent me a step-by-step video on how to resolve the issue. Following their guidance, I was able to successfully address the problem. all the best in your journey.

    1. Hello Ezequiel, I should probably be a little more diligent about asking for help, I actually wrote a blog about asking for help and still don’t follow my own advice, sad lol.

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